Size: Adults are typically 24 to 40 inches
Colour: Dark--light grey, black, dark brown; pattern varies
Commonly found: Under porches or structure, crawlspace; on rooftops, attics, chimneys
Reproduction: In the spring; the single litter per year varies from 2 to 8 babies
What should I know about raccoons?
Raccoons are intelligent omnivores that can adapt to their environments, they feed upon fish, small mammals, fruits, nuts, and much more.
Their bodies are flexible, and can fit through small spaces.
Raccoons are excellent climbers, ie. they can scale up a building from its brick side.
Health risks associated with raccoons?​
They are known to have spread diseases, such as leptospirosis, giardiasis, salmonella.
They are potential carries of fleas and mites.
Their feces contain parasites that pose a serious risk to the central nervous system.
Although cases of raccoons affected by rabies is low in Ontario, if you are bitten or scratched by a rabid raccoon, seek immediate medical attention.
How do raccoons impact my property?
They can cause structural damage; by chewing through drywall, wooden frames and displacing the soffit; they also are capable of gnawing electrical cables, resulting in structural fires.
Their fecal droppings and urine can release a foul and nauseous odor.
Some raccoons can also damage the garden or vegetation.
How can I prevent raccoons from invading?
Block all gaps and entrances leading to the property.
Employ strategies for proper waste management and food storage.
Consider wildlife proofing.
Ask our licensed pest control professional for help!