Length: From 13 cm to 16 cm
Colour: Generally dull brown
Nesting Preference: Urban: nests in eaves, soffits, attics, awnings
Nest building: Begins in early spring in Ontario
What should I know about house sparrows?
House sparrows are primarily seed eaters.
The noise and filth associated with their nests is a nuisance.
Health risks associated with house sparrows?​
House sparrows are a factor in the spread of diseases such as canary pox, anthrax, new castle disease; and ectoparasites.
How do house sparrows impact my property?
House sparrows can nest in areas leading to the attic; these openings (i.e., soffits that are disrupted) can be used by other pests or wildlife to enter the attic, thereby causing more damage.
They can be potential carriers of bird mites
How can I prevent house sparrows from invading?
Identify factors contributing to the problem (e.g., building design, bird feeders).
Generate loud noises to scare them away.
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